The truth behind tanned skin
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Summer is approaching, ice cream vans are in the park, pimm’s are back in season, the sun is shining - my favourite time of the year, partially biased as I am a June baby. When the sun shines, my mood is better and my skin gets a much needed top up of vitamin D because let’s face it, thanks to the glorious British weather I mostly remain quite pale 70% of the year. However you will not catch me in the sun, even for a hot minute without SPF on!
I wear it 365 days a year (it’s even part of my 3 step basic skincare routine) and so should you - even on the grey cloudy days. Have you ever been on holiday when the weather is a bit overcast and you think ‘I can skip SPF or not apply as much, the sun isn’t that strong today’ and 2 hours later your shoulders have sunburn?! It’s deceiving but the sun is there, always.
No safe way to get tanned skin
There are many different reasons to protect your skin in the sun from premature ageing, sunburn, skin cancer and pigmentation of the skin. I hate to break it to you guys but because I care I will tell you that there is no safe way of making your skin tan - it really is not worth it!
I know it can be unavoidable especially if you are working in the sun, on an adventurous holiday out in the sunshine all day or simply live in a country that has sunny days all year round. We can however avoid lying in the sun all day on our sun loungers, limit our time in the sun and protect ourselves by wearing a high SPF, a hat, sunglasses (our eyes need protecting too) and staying in the shade at certain times of the day.
If you want to get a bronzed look this summer, the safest way to get a tanned skin look is with these tan enhancing products that give you a stunning glow, without sacrificing the health of your skin.
I won’t sit here and say I have done those things my whole life - I haven’t. I ignored my mum when I was really young, she would pester me to put more lotion on and I would run off to the pool and go about my day. When I was a teenager, my sun lounger moved as the sun moved - I wore SPF but I was dedicated to getting tanned skin - otherwise how would people know I went away?
I fortunately only paid the small price of pigmentation and a temporary rash that comes and goes when I go on holiday (I explain below) but it was enough to knock some sense into me.
SPF - What you need to know
There is a common misconception, even amongst my friends, that wearing a higher SPF factor doesn’t let your skin tan at all, it is quite simply not true. A higher SPF allows your skin to be protected for longer before any damage (if applied properly and liberally).
For example, if you choose SPF 15, the time it will take your skin to burn before reapplying is quicker than SPF 50.
Listen to your skin, you will feel your skin burning sometimes even quicker than the 2 hour window SPF is protecting you for. This has certainly happened to me and it is because the sun’s UVA and UVB rays could be extra strong that day and our skin changes over time as well.
I am in my 30s and in the last few years I have developed something called Polymorphous light eruption - I sound like an Avenger. It is a rash that appears as tiny inflamed bumps and in my case quite clustered together. It is caused by sun exposure in people who have developed sensitivity to sunlight.
This never used to happen to me but now I seem to get it by day 2 of a sunny holiday and I use a steroid cream (works like magic) to help it clear - which it does very quickly! According to the NHS website ‘Polymorphic light eruption is thought to be caused by UV light altering a substance in the skin, which the immune system reacts to, resulting in the skin becoming inflamed.’
So as you can see, there are other things that maybe most of us haven't even heard of, that can happen to our skin the more we expose it in excessive amounts in the sun.
The best sun care to protect your skin whilst you tan
When choosing your sunscreen you should always look at if the SPF bottle in your hand has a UVA and UVB rating, anything 4 and above is the goal. The sun emits two different types of ultraviolet rays that are damaging to the skin but they cause different types of damage. It is important to remember that not all sunscreens protect from both so it’s always good to know a bit about both so you can make responsible decisions when purchasing your sunscreens.
If there is daylight, there are UVA rays, they are present at all times. The effects are not immediately present but they are hugely damaging and powerful, so powerful that they can penetrate through windows and clouds - so don’t skip SPF just because it is overcast! These kinds of rays penetrate into the skin much deeper than UVB rays which can cause long term damage and in extreme cases - skin cancer. They also play a big part in the ageing process, causing sun spots and wrinkles.
You know that painful sore skin you get if you accidentally fall asleep in the sun? Or if you’re chatting away over a cocktail and forget to reapply sunscreen - those are UVB rays. Although they don’t penetrate as deep into the skin as UVA rays, they play just as big of a part in causing potentially serious harm - the big nasty C.
I would always advise to buy sunscreen that protects from both, that way you know you’re doing your best to protect yourself before you let your skin tan in the sun’s harmful rays. I just purchased these for my holiday to keep my skin protected:
Ultra Violette
Supreme Screen SPF50 Hydrating Skinscreen 50ml
Suncream spray SPF50 protect and moisture 200ml
Face Sun Protection 50 SPF
The difference between mineral and chemical sunscreens
On more of a personal choice when choosing an SPF is whether you should wear a mineral or a chemical sunscreen. I have come to the personal conclusion that as long as you wear one or the other you are still protecting your skin. The key difference between the two is that chemical sunscreens absorb rays and mineral sunscreens block and reflect rays. Below are key points for each of them and products of each that I have used and love!
The best mineral sunscreens and their benefits:
Sits on top of the skin
Blocks sunlight and reflects UV rays
Immediate protection
Better for sensitive skin
La Roche-Posay
Anthelios UVMUNE 400 Invisible Fluid SPF50
Lean Screen SPF50+ Mattifying Zinc Skinscreen
The best chemical sunscreens and their benefits:
Absorbed by the skin
Converts UV rays into heat which is then released by the skin
Thin and ideal for everyday use
20-30 mins to become effective
Thank You Farmer
Sun Project Water Sun Cream
Bondi Sands
Sunscreen Lotion SPF50+ Face
SPF - The best investment before tanning
I know we all love to not have the white residue after applying SPF, most don’t do that anymore - thankfully! From this, clear SPF sprays were introduced to the market and I personally don’t know how I feel about them. I think it’s because I physically can’t tell if I have applied enough, I’m old school like that, I need to see and make sure I am applying the correct amount - can you tell I am super protective over my skin?! All I would say is if you use a clear SPF, just be mindful and apply extra amounts to make sure you don’t miss any areas.
Is there a difference between a $8.50 (£6.50) and $44 (£34) sunscreen? I have used products at both price points and my answer is no. Find a sunscreen with high protection and one that you like - the cost is worth it.
Don’t forget to apply SPF in the areas we are most likely to forget about - our ears, lips, scalp and hands! The best investment you can make for your skin is to use sunscreen all year round, your skin will thank you for it in the long run.
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